
Background: In Indonesia, malaria incidence is at a high rate despite maximum preventive efforts. Therefore, this study aims to determine the possibility of a Plasmodium reservoir among domestic animals in malaria-endemic areas. Methods: Animal blood was collected using EDTA tubes, then smeared and stained with Giemsa for Plasmodium microscopic identification. About 10 µl of blood was dropped on to a filter paper to capture Plasmodium DNA. Nested PCR was used for parasite molecular detection, while Plasmodium species were identified using the sequenced DNA. Results: A total of 208 and 62 animal blood samples were collected from Gaura village, West Sumba and Fakfak village, West Papua, Indonesia respectively. In total, 32 samples from Gaura contained P. falciparum or P. vivax, while the Plasmodium percentage in buffalo, horse, goat, and dogs were 20.7%, 14.3%, 5.8%, 16.7%, respectively. P. knowlesi was not found in any of the samples, and no other species were detected in 18 pig blood samples. Conclusion: Human Plasmodium existence among domestic animals in Indonesia partly explains the high prevalence and persistence of malaria in some endemic areas due to a reservoir host presence. Therefore, future studies need to ascertain the cause.

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