
This study questions whether the availability of water, despite being a fundamental condition for the survival and maintenance of human life, presents specificities in its management that end up disproportionately affecting those who, in some way, are linked to vulnerable, unprotected or disadvantaged social strata of society. Through content analysis of the reports and minutes of the meetings of the Technical Planning Chamber of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí River Basin Committees, an attempt was made to assess the extent to which the population at risk of scarcity and social, territorial, political, or economic vulnerability can have their right of access to water guaranteed. It was verified that the reports analyzed do not mention the universal right of access to water, nor its implementation or the promotion of specific policies for this purpose. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it is suggested that the collection of data and information relevant to the topic should be included in the discussion and highlighted in the proposal of policies and actions for strategic planning to ensure the comprehensiveness and expansion of access to water for a fraction of the population that has not yet been satisfactorily and adequately reached by this benefit.

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