
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size AcknowledgementsFunding from the Department of English and from the Faculty of Languages at Uppsala University supported my research on this topic. I am indebted to Dag Blanck, Gunlög Fur, and Harald Runblom for comments that prompted me to look at contact narratives from the Smoky Valley. Preliminary versions of this paper were presented to the Nordic Association of American Studies, Karlstad University, May 24–26, 2013; The Fourth Workshop on Heritage Languages in America, University of Iceland, September 19–21, 2013; the Twelfth Nordic Conference for English Studies, organized by the Nordic Association for English Studies, Uppsala University, October 10–13, 2013; and the Critical Discourse Workshop, Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University, June 9, 2014. I thank the audience members in those settings, as well as an anonymous reviewer, for their perceptive comments. My work on this paper has also benefitted at various stages from the expertise shared by Lars Åstrand, Åke Eriksson, Barbara Hoffman, Sharon Hoffman, Charlotte Jalkéus Anderson, Lenora Lynam, Anette Månsson, Lorna Nelson, and John Stratton. Any shortcomings in this paper, however, are my responsibility.

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