
The speech of gender of the order of conforming an identity system of social work, through history the speech of gender has created an academic-political system that, has given and giving continues in education, identities inside the profession of the social work, this bachelor's was born in the University of Guadalajara in 1953, and since then we can observe the reference in gender between their directors and directrixs that are placed in different temporalities, giving fame for their suitable methods to the community´s problematics, according to the social and political context. This work is on the conceptualization phase and it is taken from the semiotic methodology perspective of Greimas, Todorov and other authors that trace a deep study of social communication; for developing the professional identity the speech of gender is taken, considering some variables like public, private, active, passive, family and institution. The investigation seeks the weakness and strongs from form to content of the profession thats been form trough the career history, in other words, what makes the social work.

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