
In this letter, we present for the first time, the discovery of the disappearance of a narrow Mg II $\lambda\lambda2796,2803$ absorption system from the spectra of quasar SDSS J165501.31+260517.4 ($z_{\rm e}=1.8671$). This absorber is located at $z_{\rm abs} =1.7877$, and has a velocity offset of $8,423\rm ~km~s^{-1}$ with respect to the quasar. According to the velocity offset and the line variability, this narrow Mg II $\lambda\lambda2796,2803$ absorption system is likely intrinsic to the quasar. Since the corresponding UV continuum emission and the absorption lines of another narrow Mg II $\lambda\lambda2796,2803$ absorption system at $z_{\rm abs}=1.8656$ are very stable, we think that the disappearance of the absorption system is unlikely to be caused by the change in ionization of absorption gas. Instead, it likely arises from the motion of the absorption gas across the line of sight.

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