
This thesis is all about dimensions and the law of Visual, Physical and Time (V,P,T) dimension which succeed to discovered more than 9 dimension (with examples) which includes current three spatial dimensions as well. General idea of the law is to show that the Dimensions are categorized by phases not by sequences, and Visual, Physical, and Time are the phases the contains their own specific dimensions e.g. Initial Dimensions like Length, Mass and Infinite Time, respectively. Although this paper covers some of the major topics which are (i) Non-Existence of 4th dimension, (ii) Understanding the law of VPT Dimension (iii) Types (iv) Phases (v) Rules of Representation (vi) General term and Numerical term, (vii) Human Dimension, and some uses. This research can be used in various fields like physics, cosmology studies, mathematics, architecture, etc. which generates massive impact on science development. The topics which are not entertain in this paper are Dimensional formula, some theories claim higher dimensions and higher dimensions like 5th 6th and so on

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