
Based on previous exploratory research by Zimmer, Stafford and Stafford (1994), this study develops and constructvalidates measures for three dimensions of environmental concern -- Concern for Wildlife, Concern for Conservation, and Concern for Waste. These dimensions of environmental concern were assessed in a nomological network with the Ecological Impact scale developed and validated by Leigh, Murphy and Enis (1988). The resulting structural model evidenced reasonably good fit: χ2 (119)·=178.9 ( p = .0003), χ2/df-=1.5, GFI=.92, AGFI=.88, RMSR=.06, SRMR=.04, NFI=.89. Predictive validity was tested using the scales in a discriminant analysis between a group of college students and the membership of a Sierra Club chapter; the scales proved capable of correctly classifYing Sierra club membership -- evidenced by increase environmental concern-- in 77% of cases. Since the structural model demonstrated good fit with a previously validated environmental construct, and reasonably good predictive ability in practical use, this scale is considered valid for research use in detecting consumer concern for environmental quality in the three general areas represented by the construct.

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