
Robust linkage between adherens junctions and the actomyosin cytoskeleton allows cells to change shape and move during morphogenesis without tearing tissues apart. The Drosophila multidomain protein Canoe and its mammalian homolog afadin are crucial for this, as in their absence many events of morphogenesis fail. To define the mechanism of action for Canoe, we are taking it apart. Canoe has five folded protein domains and a long intrinsically disordered region. The largest is the Dilute domain, which is shared by Canoe and myosin V. To define the roles of this domain in Canoe, we combined biochemical, genetic and cell biological assays. AlphaFold was used to predict its structure, providing similarities and contrasts with Myosin V. Biochemical data suggested one potential shared function - the ability to dimerize. We generated Canoe mutants with the Dilute domain deleted (CnoΔDIL). Surprisingly, they were viable and fertile. CnoΔDIL localized to adherens junctions and was enriched at junctions under tension. However, when its dose was reduced, CnoΔDIL did not provide fully wild-type function. Furthermore, canoeΔDIL mutants had defects in the orchestrated cell rearrangements of eye development. This reveals the robustness of junction-cytoskeletal connections during morphogenesis and highlights the power of natural selection to maintain protein structure.

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