
Social media networks are extensively using artificial intelligence tools (AI) fed with huge data about users’ preferences, mental state, mood, health, and other. The potential risk of manipulating this “Big Data” to predict users ‘behavior, customize users’ profiles and create a “Virtual social world” for each one is of major importance. Using algorithms to make sense of streams of data, known as the discipline of data analytics, and how it’s applied in social media platforms and decision-making, raises ethical concerns about data privacy and data protection. This research is conducted to answer questions related to users’ perceptions of privacy, risk of sharing personal data on social media and to what extent are people aware of the use of AI and the risks they face while using SNSs, as well as the ethical issues related to the use of artificial intelligence in social media. This study focuses on measuring people’s perceptions of privacy through four main variables and their interrelation. The results emphasized that people perceived themselves at risk on social media, they have concerns about their data being manipulated and misused, this affects their overall perception of privacy, the sample consisted of 200 respondents through an online survey. People’s perceptions of privacy could be an indicator of how they will act regarding the sharing of personal information and feelings on social media.

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