
Introduction: all branches of law are constantly under the influence of the social environment, especially of the national policy and economy. In this regard, the author of the paper set the aim to research the influence of the processes of the digital economy development of the Russian Federation on the industry of Russian criminal law and to identify the relevant trends and relationships. Methods: the methodological framework for this study is a set of methods of scientific knowledge, among which the main ones are the methods of consistency, analysis and the comparative law method Results: grounded in the paper the author’s point of view is based on the domestic and foreign legislation, international legal acts and opinions of the academic community on the problems of interaction of the economic and legal systems, processes and results of their mutual influence. Based on the analysis, a list of problems currently impeding the development of the digital economy of Russia, which can be resolved using the criminal law means, is revealed. The questions of the gap in the Russian criminal legislation concerning a number of socially dangerous acts committed with the use of modern information technologies are raised. Conclusions: the study revealed the importance of the intersystem links between the national economy and its digital sector with Russian criminal law, the need to take them into account in the lawmaking work and their impact on the effectiveness of the industry, the implementation of its sectoral goals and objectives. It is proposed to criminalize a number of socially dangerous acts committed with the use of modern information technologies, taking into account the traditions of the national law-making and the successful experience of the international community and a number of foreign countries in preventing attacks on the information security.

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