
Online Platform now became the most useful and effective way for everyone especially for learning process. The use of online platform started for a long time ago but, it increase sharply during the enactment of work and study at home. The applying of study at home gives the big impact for student. The biggest problem for both student and teacher faces is the fact that they cannot meet each other like usual and they have to adapt with the new normal. At the end, an online platform became the last choice for the school to keep running the learning activity. While having an online activity, both of teachers and student has the some difficulties. There are several difficulties that found by the researchers encountered by students in using teaching media through online platforms. Students complain about their difficulties when accessing the teaching media. The application of online learning, especially in learning process, also causes various problems for students as shown in the current learning. Some of them experienced problems such as not having a strong network when accessing learning, less effective and efficient in its use, too many features that made them confused in accessing teaching media. All of those mostly happened because most of the students are not ready with the new way for their learning process. They might still feel uncomfortable with the new system because usually they just do it by manual. To covered all of these problems, all of the school elements must be work together and choosing the best way to make it as comfortable as before. This paper study aims to analyze the difficulties of online platforms faced by students and the solutions to solve them. Sources of research data were collected through articles from periodical journal websites and other sources that relevant to the research problem. Data were analyzed by interactive and qualitative models, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

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