
The iron-deficiency conditions continue to be an actual problem all over the world being present in half of population of the terrestrial globe. The development of iron deficiency often depends on gender and age. In females specific role is played by hypermenorrhea and repeated pregnancies (iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia are found 6 times more often in females than in males). The anemia of chronic diseases by it prevalence takes second place after iron-deficiency anemia. The prevalence of anemia of chronic diseases in elder and senile age varies within range 2,9-61% in males and 3,3-41% in females. In young and mature age anemia of chronic diseases more often occurs in females. There are anemias when content of iron in organism and its resources are within limits of norm or higher - sideroahrestical anemias. The percentage of them in structure of hypochromic anemias is smallish. The diagnostic and differential diagnostic of anemias related to iron metabolism. The anemias are diverse according to clinical hematological characteristics. At selection of diagnostic schemes, treatment of anemias differs on leading pathogenic mechanism. However, to facilitate diagnostic and differential diagnostic the color indicator and morphological classifications are considered. The differentiated diagnostic of anemias is based on data of clinical, laboratory and instrumental analysis. The blood analysis under anemia is to take into account indices of Hb, size of erythrocytes, their saturation with Hb, average volume of erythrocytes, and average content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, amount of reticulocytes and other cells permitting judging about character and activity of erythropoiesis. The article presents algorithm of examination of patient under hypochromic and microcytic anemia, diagnostic and differentiated diagnostic of acute post-hemorrhagic anemia, anemia of chronic course, iron-deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic diseases, sideroahrestical anemia, iron-saturated anemia due to leaden intoxication, inherent iron-saturated anemia of pharmaceutical genesis, thyroprival anemia and thalassemia.

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