
We discuss the properties of the progenitors of core collapse SNe, as they can be deduced from rotating stellar models of single stars. The type of the SN progenitor was determined from the surface abundances at the pre-SN stage. The type of the SN event was obtained from the masses of hydrogen and helium ejected at the time of the core-collapse SN event. We find that the minimum amount of helium ejected by a core-collapse SN (of whatever type) is around 0.3 MSun. There is no difference between the WC and WO stars in the ejected masses of helium, CNO elements, and heavy elements. Also no difference is expected between the chemical composition of a WC star resulting from a normal or a homogeneous evolution. The progenitors of type Ib SNe are WNL, WNE, or less massive WC stars. Those of type Ic are WC and WO stars. WO stars are produced in a limited mass range (around 60 MSun) and only at low metallicity (for = ZSun. For the GRB rate, our models produce too large a number for such an event, even if we restrict the progenitor to the WO stars.

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