
The time course of the intracellular action potential was studied quantitatively, because it is an important factor in the generation of electromyographic signals. In in vivo preparations of the m. EDL and m. soleus of the rat single motor units were stimulated and intracellular action potentials were recorded in muscle fibres belonging to those motor units. In this arrangement it was possible to relate the intracellular action potential to the fibre type. The intracellular action potentials of fast twitch glycolytic (FTG) EDL and of slow soleus fibres were described, using 8 characteristics. All characteristics but one differed significantly between the two fibre populations. Comparing characteristics of intracellular action potentials of FTG fibres with slow fibres, it is concluded that: the resting membrane potential is more negative; the amplitude of the action potential is larger; the maximum rates of depolarization and repolarization are higher; and the shape of the repolarization phase is more variable.

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