
This research aimed to find the differences between skills of writing playscript of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Jambi Students who applied the KIK─IRMA (CIC–IRPA) learning model based on the contextual approach and conventional learning. It was descriptive quantitative that aimed to systematically and accurately describe the phenomena, events, factual events in the learning process. The quantitative research was used to find the differences between skills of writing a playscript of the students who applied the KIK-IRMA (CIC-IRPA) learning model, compared to conventional learning. In this research, the 18 students of the sixth-semester from Class A were chosen as the experimental class, while the 20 students of the sixth-semester from Class B in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Universitas Jambi were chosen as the control class. The instruments of this research were observation and test sheets. In this research, the application of the KIK-IRMA learning model was collaborative, interactive and constructivism with the steps or syntax of inquiry, recreate, produce, and analysis. For the playscript writing skills or psychomotor, N-Gain data obtained from the experimental class was 0.88 with a high category and the control class was 0.65 with a moderate category, so 0.88> 0.65, thus, there was a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. Furthermore, when the KIK-IRMA (CIC-IRPA) and conventional models were applied, it was got the data of skills or psychomotor of writing a playscript. After that, it was conducted a t-test where the results showed the sig value (2 tailed) was 0.00 smaller than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that “There are differences between skills of writing a playscript of Indonesian Language and Literature Education students who apply the KIK─IRMA learning model based on a contextual approach compared to the class that applies conventional learning.

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