
Scientific Literacy refers to an individual scientific knowledge and use it to identifiy question, aquire new knowledge, explain scientific phenomena, and draw evidence based conclusion about science related issues. Scientific literacy is the final purpose of learning science for 15 years students. In learning process, students have different modal to achieve the science learning purpose. One of modal that student have named cognitive style. Different cognitive style assumed to be different scientific literacy ability. Cognitive style in this research is according to Witkin and Goodenough (1981) in Altun and Cakan (2006) i.e Field Independent (FI) and Field Dependent (FD). Purpose of this research is to know the difference scientific literacy ability of students having Field Independent and Field Dependent cognitive style. This research was conducted at SMAN 68 Jakarta in April until Mei 2015. Method use in this research was Ex Post Facto. The sample were 135 X grade High School Students ( 21 FD and 114 FI). The result of prerequisite test use Kolmogorov-smirnov (α = 0,05) and Levene test (α = 0,05) showed the data normally distributed and homogenous. Result of Independent t-test (α = 0,05) showed p value 0,002<0,05 thereby there is the differences between FI and FD on scientific literacy score and level. Students with FI cognitive style obtain higher score than students with FD cognitive style with mean difference 9,849.


  • Scientific Literacy refers to an individual scientific knowledge

  • Scientific literacy is the final purpose of learning science for 15 years students

  • Cognitive style in this research is according to Witkin

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Metode Penelitian

Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 68 Jakarta pada bulan April-Mei Tahun Ajaran 2014-2015. Hal tersebut diukung oleh pencapaian level dan aspek literasi sains dari masing-masing gaya kognitif. Berdasarkan Gambar 5 Persentase pencapaian aspek kompe-tensi yang dicapai siswa Field Inde-pendent lebih tinggi dari siswa Field Indepdendent. Pembahasan Berdasarkan hasil Independent t-Test, terdapat perbedaan skor kemampuan literasi sains siswa dengan gaya kognitif Field Independent dan Field Depdendent. Siswa pada level ini juga dapat meng-gunakan kemampuan penyelidikan yang baik dan menghubungkan pengetahuan dengan tepat, membawa wawasan kritis terhadap situasi. Di sisi lain siswa FD mem-perolehan persentase lebih rendah pada aspek konteks, hal tersbut disebabkan karena siswa FD sulit untuk mengatur ulang informasi baru dan menjalin hubungan dengan pengetahuan sebelumnya serta sedikit mengalami kesulitan untuk meng-hadapi situasi yang tidak biasa dihadapi ( Daniels,1996 dalam Altun dan Cakan, 2006). Dalam penguasaan aspek konsep sains, siswa Field Independent memperoleh persentase yang sedikit lebih tinggi dari Field Dependent (Gambar). Siswa Field Independent lebih menguasai materi bersifat abstrak, sedangkan siswa Field Dependent lebih cenderung meng-uasai materi bersifat konkret (Chen dan Macredie,2002)

Dalam hal pengetahuan tentang sains juga siswa terdapat perbedaan antara siswa
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