
The coast of Bintan, Indonesia, has long been polluted by oil sludge. pollution caused by oil sludge in coastal areas continues and worsens during the north monsoon season, and has not been resolved to date. This occurs because there are differences in determining the threshold for disposing of oil waste into the sea based on MARPOL 1973/1978 and the provision of oil sludge threshold in Indonesia’s seawater quality regulation that causes pollution in Bintan Coast, Indonesia. Research into this provision must be carried out immediately in order to stop the pollution that occurs. The research carried out is prescriptive research, which aims to obtain advice regarding what should be done about the problem being studied. Legal materials collected through field research and book research will be researched qualitatively. The results of its application provide an understanding of the realization of the correct implementation of the normative legal rules being investigated. So it is necessary to amend the threshold for oil waste disposal regulated in MARPOL by adapting to the sea water quality standard regulations for each country, especially in this case there is a clear difference in the threshold compared to the provision of oil sludge threshold in Indonesia.

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