
This study aims to determine the differences between Rimpu Mpida and Rimpu Colo in their use by Mbojo women in Bima Regency NTB. The research method used is qualitative case study method, data collection is done by using observation, interview, and documentation methods. Data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. Twelve respondents were interviewed. The results of the study found a difference. Rimpu Mpida is used by unmarried women. While Rimpu Colo is used by married women. Rimpu Mpida only shows the eyes, while Rimpu Colo shows all parts of the face. Rimpu existed when Islam first came to Bima, the specialty of Rimpu Mpida and Rimpu Colo besides functioning as a cover for the aurat is also a symbol that can distinguish the marital status of women in Bima. The meaning and philosophy is as a cover to maintain the chastity of women. The philosophy is contained in the way it is worn using a typical Bima sarong, namely Tembe Nggoli and Salungka Nggoli. Rimpu until now is still preserved and maintained by the people of Bima.

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