
This paper describes the diagonal comultiplication (or cup coproduct) defined on integral homology modules of groups. Analysis of this coproduct should provide a new method of testing for non-isomorphism of groups which have isomorphic integral homology modules; here, the dimension two coproduct is applied to this problem. The first part (Section 2) is couched in terms of groupnets (Brandt groupoids) and shows two things: that there exists a cup product defined on the integral cohomology of any groupnet, extending that for groups, and that there exists a comultiplication defined on the integral homology of any group, natural up to dimension two, which gives the homology modules the structure of a commutative graded co-ring. In the second part (Sections 3 and 4), this diagonal comultiplication R is constructed to dimension two, and the information it carries about the lower central series of a group G is investigated. Modulo torsion in Hr(G; Z), Rz induces an abelian group homomorphism with cokernel GZ/G3, which distinguishes between large classes of groups, in particular the one-relator groups with non-trivial multiplicator, and the finitely-generated nilpotent groups of class two whose relators are all in the commutator subgroup.

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