
The study has focused on the importance of implementing the main provisions of the NUS concept, which produce the educational process based on subject-subject interaction. It has been emphasised that the new paradigm of future primary school teacher training generates new ideas into educational practice based on dialogue, cooperation, co-creation, collective action, respect for each individual, the need to understand another position, etc., which are formed in the process of cooperative learning. Therefore, pedagogical higher educational establishments should provide conditions in the system of professional training for the development of students’ cooperative skills. The purpose of the study is to describe the diagnosis of the readiness of future teachers to improve cooperative skills with the help of interactive technologies in the educational process of primary school. The study applied the following methods: “Value orientations” (M. Rokych) and “Map of research of the motivational component of readiness”, questionnaires, “Map of research of the communicative component of readiness”. The authors have described the results of the study on motivational and value, cognitive, activity and communicative components of the readiness of future primary school teachers to form cooperative skills in younger students. It has been found that applicants for higher education in the second year of study are dominated by the average level of development of cooperative skills on all criteria, which aims to further improve the educational process in the lens of research. It has been emphasised that interactive technologies involve the organisation of cooperative learning, when individual tasks grow into a group, where each member of the group contributes to joint activities. The recommendations have been developed that are useful to take into account when organising the process of cooperative learning in classes at higher educational establishments

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