
A convenient method was developed to diagnose pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) in small animal practice based on the observations, that feeding crude soybean increases faecal protease activity in dogs with normal pancreatic function, while PDA-dogs remain completely negative in faecal protease activity. When PDA is suspected, 1 or 2 faecal samples should be investigated with the X-ray film method based on incubation for 2 h at 37°G. If any activity is seen the dog should be considered non-PDA. If no activity is seen the dog should be given food supplemented with 1 g crude soybean/kg body weight twice daily for a few days and a new faecal sample should be collected. If the activity remains negative the diagnosis of PDA is reliable. As the amount of crude soybean in the food increased, a dose dependent increase of faecal protease and amylase was seen as measured with the radial enzyme diffusion method (RED).

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