
The continuity of interest doctrine, in its present form, is the extrastatutory requirement that the historic shareholders of a target company must retain a quantum of equity interest in the acquiror in order for an acquisition to qualify as a reorganization entitled to tax-free treatment. If sufficient stock of the acquiror is not retained by the target's shareholders for a long enough period, the transaction is not a tax-free reorganization, and the target corporation and target shareholders (including those that did retain the acquiror's stock) are subject to tax on their gains. On the other hand, because the doctrine is not an anti-abuse rule, if the continuity of interest requirement is not met, the target and its shareholders are entitled to recognize any loss on the transaction.This summary of the doctrine and its consequences is, of course, greatly simplified. Every aspect of the continuity of interest doctrine carries with it a formidable array of complex issues. For example, for how long must the target's shareholders have held their stock to be considered "historic" shareholders? What types of interests in the target qualify as equity for purposes of the test? What type and quantum of continuing interest in the acquiror is required, and for how long and in what form must it be retained? Some of these questions have recently attracted significant attention as a result of a Tax Court case, J.E. Seagram Corp. v. Commissioner, newly issued regulations under section 338, and an announcement that the Internal Revenue Service is considering a comprehensive reassessment of the doctrine.

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