
IN this small treatise the Deviation of the Compass in iron ships is professedly dealt with as a matter of observation, and distinct generally from magnetic science and the mathematical investigations based thereon. Mr. Rosser's long experience both as a “teacher” of officers in the mercantile marine, and an adjuster of compasses for the ships of that service, has enabled him to produce a work calculated to give those with whom he has been so long associated good practical information. The articles on the compass equipment of ships and the heeling error are judiciously given, and rightly occupy a prominent place. Whilst, however, thus commending the work, it must be regarded as meeting only a present and passing want; for from the absence of many theoretical, but not necessarily abstruse, details, the subject even as presented from a practical point of view cannot be considered as grasped with that entirety which certainly belongs to it. Those theoretical deductions which have been practically confirmed are further requisite in the advanced examinations instituted by the Board of Trade, and are, moreover, to be found in the several manuals compiled under the Admiralty and Board of Trade auspices.

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