
Pesantren Manajer Tholabie is Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia that has business units in the field of animal husbandry, the business of quail farming. The quail farming business in boarding school is expected to has a good economic impact and social impact on students and boarding school management. The purpose of this study was to formulate a development strategy for quail farming in boarding school starting in 2022. The method used was descriptive quantitative using SWOT analysis as data analysis. The results of this study show that the quail farming business has a significant impact on the boarding school, such as increasing cash income, providing education and additional skills for students, and adding community and stakeholder relations for the boarding school. The right strategy to develop the quail farming business is a collaboration of SWOT (Strengths-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats) strategies, which is using strengths and taking advantage of opportunities to minimize threats and improve weaknesses.

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