
The article covers the development of Ukrainian literary toponomastics in the late 1940s – the early 1980s; it is connected with I. Ohiienko, P. Fedenko, I. Herus-Tarnavetska. Yu. Karpenko, K. Halas, N. Myroniuk, V. Chabanenko, Z. Franko et al. It is stated that this stage is characterized by an increased interest in the works by T. Shevchenko, although artistic texts of other Ukrainian writers were also analyzed by linguists (I. Kotliarevskyi, S. Rudanskyi, I. Frank, O. Kobylianska, M. Rylskyi, I. Drach, O. Honchar, etc.), as well as folklore samples.In various aspects of linguistic works, special attention is paid to the following issues of toponyms in works by T. Shevchenko: a). accentuation, phonetic and grammatical dubility of the toponym Ukraine and some others (P. Fedenko, Ya. Rudnytskyi, I. Ohiienko, K. Halas) b) quantitative parameters of toponyms: (V. Vashchenko and others); c) stylistic functions of toponyms (K. Halas, I. Herus-Tarnavetska).The most important achievement of the Ukrainian literary toponomastics of the analyzed period is the monograph by I. Herus-Tarnavetska “Toponyms in Poetry” – the result of a doctoral dissertation defended in 1966 at Ukrainian Free University (Munich, Germany). Unfortunately, the political situation in the USSR did not help overcome the isolation of Ukrainian science, and philologists in Ukraine were able to use this work only a few decades after its release. Even in numerous literary onomastics theses that were defended at the turn of the millennium, we find sporadic appeal to the achievements of the foreign researcher. The analysis of the scientific literature showed that the development of Ukrainian literary toponomastics was sporadic until the end of the 1980s, when a qualitatively new stage began, marked by the defense of the first dissertations, the subject of which was the onym dimension of the works by M. Kotsiubynskyi (T. Nemyrovska “Proper names in the works by M. M. Kotsiubinskyi” (1987) and O. Nemyrovska ”Onomastic dimension in the artistic text (on the material of O. Honchar’s novel “Your Dawn” by O. Honchar) (1989). Within that, geographical names have been analyzed. A detailed study of this stage is the purpose of further linguistic research.

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