
Penelitian ini menguji validitas, kelayakan, dan keefektifan metode pembelajaran Think Pair Share untuk meningkatkan metakognisi dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan 4-D. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa SMP Negeri di Panyabungan kelas VIIIA dan VIII-B. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: perangkat pembelajaran Think Pair Share Buku Siswa, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik, Tes Kemampuan Metakognisi Matematis, dan Tes Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis valid; perangkat pembelajaran berbasis Think Pair Share praktis; perangkat dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi dan hasil observasi perangkat pembelajaran di kelas menunjukkan rata-rata nilai kepraktisan Trial II siswa mempunyai pre-test sebesar 20,83% dan post-test sebesar 87,50%, serta lebih dari 80% siswa menyukai perangkat pembelajaran dan 85% setiap komponen keterlibatan siswa membuktikan siswa belajar; kemampuan metakognisi dan komunikasi matematis siswa menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis Think Pair Share yang dikembangkan meningkat dengan skor N-gain 0,54 untuk kemampuan metakognisi matematis dan 0,52 untuk kemampuan komunikasi matematis. This research tested the validity, feasibility and effectiveness of the Think Pair Share learning method to improve students' metacognition and mathematical communication. This research is 4-D development research. This research involved State Middle School students in Panyabungan classes VIIIA and VIII-B. This research found that: the Think Pair Share learning tools: Student Books, Student Worksheets, Mathematical Metacognition Ability Tests, and Mathematical Communication Ability Tests were valid; think Pair Share based learning tools are practical; the tools can be used with a little revision and the results of observations of learning tools in class show that the average practicality score for Trial II students has a pre-test of 20.83% and a post-test of 20.83%. 87.50%, as well as more than 80% of students like learning tools and 85% of each component of student engagement proves students are learning; students' mathematical metacognition and communication abilities using the developed Think Pair Share-based learning tool increased with an N-gain score of 0.54 for mathematical metacognition abilities and 0.52 for mathematical communication abilities.

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