
Mohan Ram, H. Y. (U. Delhi, India.) The development of the seed in Andrographis serpyllifolia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 215—219. Illus. 1960.–Andrographis serpyllifolia, a member of the Acanthaceae, has an embryo sac with a bifurcated chalazal part. At the time of fertilization both synergids and antipodal cells disintegrate. Early in its development the endosperm is composed of 3 distinct parts: (1) a binucleate densely cytoplasmic chalazal haustorium; (2) a large binucleate micropylar haustorium; and (3) a central chamber which develops into the endosperm proper. The divisions in the central endosperm chamber are ab initio cellular. A few of the endosperm cells elongate enormously, ramify into the integument and destroy the surrounding cells. These cells have been termed secondary haustoria. Due to the unequal destruction of the integument, the endosperm assumes a ruminate condition. The mature seed is nearly naked because the seed coat is almost completely digested. The embryo has a long suspensor. The micropylar cells of the suspensor are hypertrophied and multinucleate. Contrary to Mauritzon's (1934) belief, the course of endosperm development is markedly different from that observed in Thunbergia. So far, albuminous seeds have been reported only in the subfamily Nelsonioideae. The present investigation provides a case of its occurrence in the Acanthoideae also.

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