
The development of the placenta in the anthocerote Phaeoceros laevis (L.) Prosk. was studied by transmission electron microscopy. By the time the sporophyte emerges from the involucre, a conspicuous placental region is formed by the intrusive growth of sporophyte foot haustorial cells into the adjacent gametophyte vaginula tissue. The separation of gametophyte cells by haustorial cells and their incorporation into the placenta are preceded by the loosening and swelling of their walls and the formation of a periplasmic space. This process causes the disruption of the plasmodesmata, and may eventually result in the complete isolation and consequent degeneration of the cells. Crystals are commonly observed in the vacuoles of gametophyte placental cells. Crystals become more abundant during cytoplasmic degeneration, and are released in the placental lacunae that result from the complete dissolution of gametophyte cells. During the subsequent phase of capsule elongation, the gametophyte placental cells that retain the symplastic connection with the adjoining gametophyte parenchyma develop a wall labyrinth typical of transfer cells. Obliteration of the wall labyrinth by deposition of lightly staining wall material is observed later in sporophyte development, in concomitance with capsule dehiscence. Crystals are negative to the periodic acid/thiocarbohydrazide/silver proteinate test for carbohydrates whilst they are completely digested by pepsin or protease, denoting protein composition.

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