
AbstractIn the present paper, the otic capsule, palate, temporal bones, lower jaw and hyoid apparatus of the skull of the adult Egyption cobra, Naja haje, have been described in detail, and compared with those of the previously studied ophidian species. The otic capsule is composed of the prootic, laterosphenoid and opisthotic. The fenestra ovalis interrupts the suture separating the prootic and the opisthotic part of the otoccipital. The laterosphenoid is a rather minute bone lying lateral to the center of the prootic, with which it is completely fused both above and below without any trace of sutures.The palate is composed of the premaxillae, maxillae, prevomers, septomaxillae, palatines, pterygoids, ectopterygoids, basisphenoid and parasphenoid. There is no actual contact between the two prevomers. Each prevomer is composed of a median vertical part and a lateral horizontal one. It is quite separate from the premaxillae, maxilla and palatine. The septomaxilla is wedged between the nasal dorsally, the premaxilla anteroventrally, and the prevomer postero‐ventrally. The palatine is connected posteriorly with the pterygoid and laterally (by means of an outer process) with the palatal process of the maxilla. It carries about seven teeth. The pterygoid is a very long bone, it is connected with the quadrate only by a ligament. The pterygoid is free from the brain‐case, and carries about fourteen teeth. The ectopterygoid connects the maxilla with the pterygoid. The epipterygoid is completely absent. The basisphenoid is completely fused anteriorly with the parasphenoid without any trace of a suture. The parasphenoid is firmly fixed above to the lateral downgrowths of the frontals, and suturally articulates postero‐laterally with the lateral downgrowths of the parietals.There is only one temporal bone on either side which is regarded as the supratemporal. Thus the squamosal and tabular are completely absent. This supratemporal holds the quadrate to the cranium.Each mandibular ramus is composed of four distinct bones which are the dentary, splenial, angular and a composite bone. This composite bone is the result of the complete fusion of the articular, prearticular and supra‐angular. The coronoid bone is completely lacking.The cartilaginous hyoid apparatus is composed of two very long ceratohyals which are fused anteriorly to a small hyoid corpus.

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