
This research was aimed to develop a valid Student Worksheet (LKPD) oriented to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) with a problem solving model on electromagnetic induction material. This research was a type of development research (Research and Development) with type 1 design consisting of 5 stages, namely: 1) potential and problems 2) literature study and information gathering 3) product design 4) design validation 5) tested design. Design validation was carried out by 3 expert judgments and 3 Practitioners to assess products developed from aspects of presentation, content, and language. Based on the results of the validity of the presentation aspects, the results were 76.3% (very good categories), content aspects at 74.4% (good categories), and language aspects at 80.1% (very good categories). Based on these results, it was concluded that the HOTS-oriented LKPD developed was declared valid and was a tested design with a percentage of the total validity test which was 86% (very good category).

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