
The article is devoted to the development of business writing as an independent style of official document flow in Russia. For centuries, documents have been compiled in a language close to the spoken language and contained the individual speech characteristics of the compiler. This continued until the 18th century, when Peter I accelerated the state centralization and reorganized the system of state administration. These changes made it necessary to systematize the document flow and unify legislative acts. Naturally, such activity has led to the ordering of language of documents. As shown in the article, two main trends in the development of business language can be observed during the 18th century: 1) active enrichment of vocabulary and speech turns due to borrowing and terminologization process, caused by the development of various aspects of social life; 2) isolation of genres, regulation of the form of documents and active formation of terminology. This process, which began in the Petrine era, continued for many decades and was not completed under Catherine II.

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