
The study of song development has focused on temperate zone birds in which typically only males sing. In the bay wren, Cantorchilus nigricapillus, both sexes sing, performing precisely timed, female-initiated duets in which birds alternate sex-specific song phrases. We investigated the development of these sex differences by collecting bay wren eggs and nestlings, and hand-raising them in individual acoustic isolation chambers. Each bird was tutored with either monophonic or stereophonic recordings of bay wren duets or heard no song. As adults, each tutored bird sang repertoires of complete duets, singing both male and female phrases. In addition, some birds sang only the male or female part of some duets to which they were exposed. Mono-tutored birds showed no sex-specificity in these solo songs, whereas stereo-tutored birds only sang solos consistent with their sex. In addition, stereo-tutored birds acquired songs over a longer period than did mono-tutored birds, and stereo-tutored females showed more sex-specificity than did males during early song production. Finally, we observed that tutored and acoustically isolated birds of both sexes invented male-like songs, whereas only males invent songs in the wild. These results reveal the relative roles of environmental versus innate influences in the development of sex-specific song in this species.

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