
The purpose of the study of the article is to consider the legal regulation of the field of pharmacy in the late 17th - early 19th centuries, using the methods of historical heuristics and general statistics. The relevance of studying the problem of legal regulation of pharmacy is due to the fact that, despite the high scientific interest in the history of medicine, as one of the leading areas of interdisciplinary research, there is an extremely limited number of works on the issue under consideration, mainly represented by general lecture courses for medical students. The object of this study is the process of legislative regulation of pharmacy in the late 17th - early 19th centuries. The subject of study is a wide range of normative legal acts presented in the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. A special contribution of the authors of the study of the topic is the analysis of more than 150 legal acts (NLA) for the specified historical period. The authors carry out the distribution of the NPAs under consideration according to the subjects of their regulation by the periods of leadership of the country by the Russian rulers. The authors conclude that pharmacy was an important component of legislative activity in the field of legal regulation of healthcare. Directions of regulation within the framework of pharmacy for the period under review cover a wide range: from military pharmacies to determining the behavior of pharmacy students. The formation of pharmacy in Russia has largely developed, as legal sources show, thanks to the imperative norms of the supreme power.

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