
The purpose of this article was to investigate the extent to which technology can be used in the training of teachers at a distance to prepare them comprehensively for their careers. Because the so called soft skills and associated character traits are part of professions such as medicine or auditing, it was necessary to determine whether teaching can even be considered a profession. However, literature confirms this and consequently teaching is regarded as a profession, requiring accompanying soft skills and character traits unique to the profession. For effective education it is necessary that these soft skills or character traits be mastered. The soft skills of the teaching profession are investigated and discussed to determine what these skills are and how they can be developed and embraced by student teachers. Finally, recommendations are proposed for the incorporation of technology to expedite the mastery of soft skills by prospective teachers through distance education.


  • Die gebruik van tegnologie vir die ontwikkeling van professionele karaktereienskappe of sagte vaardighede van onderwysers deur afstandsonderrig

  • Because the so called soft skills and associated character traits are part of professions such as medicine or auditing, it was necessary to determine whether teaching can even be considered a profession

  • Literature confirms this and teaching is regarded as a profession, requiring accompanying soft skills and character traits unique to the profession

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Oorspronklike Navorsing

Affiliation: 1Department Curriculum and Instructional Studies, University of South Africa, South Africa. Omdat die sogenaamde sagte vaardighede en meegaande karatereienskappe eie is aan professies soos dié van medici of ouditeure, was dit nodig om te bepaal of onderwys wel as ’n professie beskou kan word. Die sagte vaardighede in die onderwysprofessie is derhalwe ondersoek en bespreek om ’n idee te kry van wat hierdie vaardighede behels en hoe hulle deur onderwysstudente ontwikkel en toegeëien kan word. Because the so called soft skills and associated character traits are part of professions such as medicine or auditing, it was necessary to determine whether teaching can even be considered a profession. Alhoewel dit moontlik is om professionele kennis (vak- en kurrikulumkennis) elektronies te bemeester sodat potensiële onderwysers die nodige vakkennis verwerf, kan die vestiging van professionele karaktereienskappe en gepaardgaande vaardighede moontlik nie effektief deur tegnologie ontwikkel word nie.

Open Access
Effektiewe onderwys of effektiewe onderwysers?
Die onderwys as professie met gepaardgaande professionele identiteit
Karaktereienskappe en sagte vaardighede in die onderwysprofessie
Die ontwikkeling van sagte vaardighede van onderwysers deur tegnologie
Mededingende belange
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