
In this paper, this study is to develop a child's character by utilizing traditional fairy tale characters as a personality education model and activities for young children. The process used to create a personality education program using traditional fairy tale is divided into six categories which are; evaluation for the need, objective or direction, fairy tale selection, teaching model, activities development and the complete guide to personality education program. The personality education program model goes through five phases; activity preparation(listening to fairy tales), introduction(discuss about the moral principles of the fairy tale), deployment(leveraging the moral principle of the fairy tale to create an activity), finish (assessing the activity), and extended activities(activities at home: practicing the moral principles). There are a total of ten activities have been developed to teach about moral principles in the program. Received (June 17, 2015), Review Request(June 18, 2015), Review Result(July 04, 2015) Accepted(July 27, 2015), Published(August 31, 2015) 730-711 Dept. Early Childhood Education, GiMi Univ., 37, Yaeunro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk ,Korea email: versus486@gumi.ac.kr (Corresponding Author)730-711, Dept. Early Childhood Education, GiMi Univ., 37, Yaeunro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk Korea email: letkhs96@hanmail.net 150-701,Dept. Dept. Early Childhood Education, National Assembly workplace nursery. 1, Uisadang-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Korea email: cherry8778@nate.com The development of personality education program applying traditional fairy tale for young children Copyright c 2015 HSST 560

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