
The article substantiates the importance of vocal-choral work with children of various age categories in the revival of the national traditions of modern Ukrainian society. Systematized scientific and practical experience regarding the role of art in the creative formation of personality. Various approaches to the definition of “musical ability” have been studied. After a thorough study of the problem, the definition of musical abilities was chosen according to B. Teplov, who claims that musical abilities are a complex of individual psychological abilities necessary for engaging in musical activity and associated with any type of musical activity. The importance of vocal and choral skills in the development of musical abilities of children is revealed. It is specified that vocal skills include singing, breathing, sound production, sound science, diction, ensemble, system, articulation and diction. And the skills of the system and the ensemble; singing skills according to the conductor’s gesture of the teacher belong to choral skills. Attention is focused on the fact that possession of the listed skills contributes to the development of intonation. The results of observation regarding the effectiveness of vocal-intonation activity in the development of musical abilities of children are presented. The necessity of improving the studied phenomenon is proved. Vocal -intonation exercises aimed at developing children's musical abilities are proposed.

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