
The article examines the genesis and development of the medieval Mongolian poetic system. Mongolian literature of the Middle Ages developed within the Central Asian, Indo-Tibetan cultural context. Literary relations and contacts became especially active with the emergence and subsequent spread of Buddhism and its philosophy. Since the 17th century Ancient Indian Sanskrit poetry becomes a subject of increased attention. Treatises on poetry becomes to be translated, in particular, “Kavyadarsha” by Dandin, as well as Tibetan “debers”. The latter became instrumental for teaching and learning poetical styles, metres and versification systems. All this contributed to the formation and development of the Mongolian theory of poetry. Many poets and writers came from among the Mongolian learned monks. These people were familiar with the best examples of Indian and Tibetan literature as well as with the principles according to which they were constructed (poetics). Moreover, they themselves were authors of original works, which comprised learned comments on ancient Indian writings on aesthetics, philosophy and poetry, in such a way contributing to the further development of the theory of literature and flourishing of Mongolian poetry.


  • Становление поэтики средневековой монгольской литературы – явление сложное и малоизученное

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  • Примечательно то, что в Монголии и Бурятии сохранились на тибетском языке труды индийских авторов, потерянные в самой Индии; они активно изучались на разных факультетах буддийских институтов

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Оригинальная статья Original Paper

Развитие монгольской теории поэзии в контексте индо-тибетской поэтической традиции. Институт мировой литературы им. Е. Развитие монгольской теории поэзии в контексте индо-тибетской поэтической традиции. Е. Развитие монгольской теории поэзии в контексте индо-тибетской поэтической традиции Ориенталистика. Many poets and writers came from among the Mongolian learned monks These people were familiar with the best examples of Indian and Tibetan literature as well as with the principles according to which they were constructed (poetics). They themselves were authors of original works, which comprised learned comments on ancient Indian writings on aesthetics, philosophy and poetry, in such a way contributing to the further development of the theory of literature and flourishing of Mongolian poetry. E. The development of Mongolian theory of poetry in the context of Indo-Tibetan poetic tradition Orientalistica.

Литературные связи и контакты
Зарождение монгольской поэтики
Использование санскритской поэтической системы в монгольской литературе
Information about the author
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