
The The main discovery of the 20th century in the field of fish breeding is hormonal stimulation of final stages of maturation of fish at hatcheries. The «father» of method of pituitary injections was Leningrad ichthyologist N.L. Gerbilsky. The main achievements of N.L. Gerbilsky and his school are methods of mass extraction of fish pituitaries, their dehydration by acetone for later storage and use, testing of pituitary gonadotropic activity on different objects. The induction of ovulation in female loaches Misgurnus fossilis or spermiation reaction of Galli-Mainini in male frogs Rana ridibunda or R. temporaria were used for pituitary testing. The effective doses of dried pituitaries for sturgeons were determined in milligrams and loach units or frog units. The method of pituitary injections was used for functioning of sturgeon breeding facilities at Volga, Don, Kuban and Kura and other rivers. For guaranteed answer fish breeders used hyperdoses of dry pituitary powder because its gonadotropic activity varied in dependence on stage of maturity of fish-“donors”. The followers of N.L. Gerbilsky led by Prof. I.A. Barannikova developed the technique of production of special glycerol pituitary extract (GPE) with determined gonadotropic activity. The main role in formulation of the recipe of GPE belongs to A.A. Boyev. The use of GPE has removed the problem of hyperdosing leading to worsening quality of mature germinal cells of sturgeons. Later, A.A. Boyev on the basis of this recipe with replacement of glycerol to propylene glycol created stabilizing solution of analogue of mammal LH-RH (“surphagon”) of long-term storage with concentration of active substance from 20 to 500 micrograms/ml.

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