
The entrepreneurship work program is one of the activities at the Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa Universitas Serang Raya in Desa Angsana, Kecamatan Mancak, Kabupaten Serang. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the income of the community in Kampung Cigandik and Tampakaso, by empowering housewives. The importance of this activity is due to the high yield of melinjo, which most of the melinjo seeds are sold in raw condition and the rest are made into raw chips, which have a relatively low selling value. Product innovation is needed to increase the value added of melinjo, so it can increase people's income. The implementation of this activity begins with observations to the field, formation of business groups, socialization, and training of participants. After that, assistance is provided so that the product can be marketed. The results obtained are assisted business groups capable of producing snacks based on melinjo independently. After the community service activities are complete, the community can look for alternatives to the development of melinjo-based food products in order to increase the value added so it can increase their household income.

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