
Relevance: The level of flexibility development, along with other indicators, determines the level of human health. New approaches to the content of wellness classes for middle-aged and mature people have been developed and substantiated. Physical activity and physical exercises of a health-improving orientation are necessary throughout life. At the same time, each stage of age-related development is characterized by certain features of conducting activities and their orientation. For example, before the age of 35-40, when assimilation processes prevail in the body, classes should have a developmental orientation, and after 40 years - mainly preserving health.The aim of the study is to increase flexibility in women aged 30-45 years through hatha yoga classes.Organization and methods of research. The study involved women aged 35 to 45 years old who practiced yoga at the Lanfen studio in Yekaterinburg for 3 months. The generally accepted Indian method of teaching hatha yoga was used, which is characterized by performing a set of "asanas", which are canonized, typical yoga poses, with a delay in each pose from a few seconds to a minute or more with a slow transition from one pose to another. As a rule, the exercises were performed with low intensity using the principle of absolute concentration on the final result of their actions, as well as compliance with the rules of exercise (consistency and breathing).The results of the study and their discussion. The experimental data obtained in the course of the study allow us to assert that the model of the educational and training process aimed at developing the quality of flexibility, where special attention is paid to warm-up using intensive gymnastics and summing exercises, static-strength and corrective exercises, stretching and relaxation exercises, is really effective in relation to a young age and our climatic conditions. The main provisions of the work can be applied in the professional activities of specialists in the field of recreational physical culture and fitness, in physical culture and wellness work with other population, as well as for the development of flexibility among representatives of various sports.Conclusions. An experimental technique was developed to improve the quality of flexibility, and a pedagogical experiment was conducted for three months. The technique included joint warm-up, a dynamic complex "Surya Namaskar", 3 main complexes, and restorative asanas with pranayama to improve the quality of flexibility. The technique has shown its effectiveness. The overall flexibility indicators of the women tested increased, especially the mobility of the spine improved, since the spine is primarily rebuilt and stretched in this technique.

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