
This research aims to develop teaching materials that have been produced by the application of the learning model Means Ends Analysis in the form of Classroom Action Research. The development carried out in this study resulted in Euclid Geometry teaching materials based on KKNI to improve cognitive analytical skills and deductive reasoning of students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta. There were five steps carried out in developing this teaching material, including initial research, collecting data and information on needs, planning changes to teaching materials, developing early teaching materials, field trials, and revisions. The teaching material developed is suitable for use in Euclid's Geometry learning because it has passed the expert validation process. Also, this teaching material has been tested on students who have been and are currently taking Euclid's Geometry courses. This concludes that Euclid Geometry teaching materials based on KKNI are feasible and can be used as a handbook for students in taking Euclid Geometry courses in the Mathematics Education Study Program of FMIPA UNJ.
 Keywords: Euclid's geometry, learning models, means-ends analysis, classroom action research.


  • This research aims to develop teaching materials that have been produced by the application of the learning model Means Ends Analysis in the form of Classroom Action Research

  • The development carried out in this study resulted in Euclid Geometry teaching materials based on KKNI to improve cognitive analytical skills and deductive reasoning of students of the Mathematics Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta

  • The teaching material developed is suitable for use in Euclid's Geometry learning because it has passed the expert validation process

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Tahap Pengumpulan Data dan Informasi Kebutuhan

Tahapan ini fokus dalam melakukan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan metode wawancara dengan subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa yang telah mengambil mata kuliah Geometri Euclid pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat beberapa poin penting yang dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan bahan ajar, di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut. 2) Terdapat beberapa contoh soal yang salah atau kurang lengkap dalam tahapan penyelesaiannya. 3) Terdapat dalil atau postulat yang memerlukan penjelasan lebih detail. 4) Ukuran buku yang terlalu besar (ukuran A4), mahasiswa menyarankan untuk mengubah ukuran kertas menjadi B5. 5) Perlunya petunjuk awal bagi soal latihan yang sulit. 6) Perlunya dibuat bahan ajar versi ebook. 7) Desain isi bahan ajar lebih seperti buku ajar yang lebih professional, seperti buku Churchill atau Aljabs oleh Herstein dan lain-lain. Padat tapi jelas, sehingga membuat pembaca tahu arahnya penulisan mau menuju ke mana

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