
The development of novel therapies for Dry Eye Disease (DED) is formidable, and relatively few treatments evaluated have been approved for marketing. In this report, the Subcommittee reviewed challenges in designing and conducting quality trials, with special reference to issues in trials in patients with DED and present the regulatory perspective on DED therapies. The Subcommittee reviewed the literature and while there are some observations about the possible reasons why so many trials have failed, there is no obvious single reason other than the lack of correlation between signs and symptoms in DED. Therefore the report advocates for conducting good quality studies, as described, going forward. A key recommendation for future studies is conduct consistent with Good Clinical Practice (GCP), including use of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) quality clinical trial material. The report also recommends that the design, treatments, and sample size be consistent with the investigational treatment, the objectives of the study, and the phase of development. Other recommendations for pivotal studies are a priori selection of the outcome measure, and an appropriate sample size.

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