
The aim of this study is to develop contextual thematic electronic teaching materials to improve environmental care, responsibility, and learning outcomes in elementary schools. This research was development research referring to the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Analysis stage, identify potentials and problems. Design stage, is the stage of designing a teaching material. In the Development phase, teaching materials were validated by material experts, media experts, and readability tests. The results of the validity, showed that the teaching materials included in the very feasible category (material experts 90.28% and media experts 90.62%). The level of readability shown a very good category (92.69%). The level of practicality shown the very practical category (teachers 88.19% and students 86.15%). The implementation phase was carried out to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials in improving environmental care attitudes, responsibility, and learning outcomes. Subjects consisted of 61 fourth grade students. SDN 2 Mayangan as the experimental class and SDN 1 Mayangan as the control class. Implementation data includes attitudes of caring for the environment, attitudes of responsibility and learning outcomes. The instruments used were environmental care attitude questionnaire sheet, environmental care attitude observation sheet, responsibility attitude questionnaire sheet, responsibility attitude observation sheet, and tests. Data analysis used quantitative and qualitative analysis. The characteristics of the teaching materials developed include independent activities, group activities, activities with parents and practice questions, which can improve environmental care, responsibility and learning outcomes. The effectiveness of contextual thematic electronic teaching materials on the attitude of caring for the environment shows the average achievement in the experimental class was 43.68%, and the control class was 34.91%. The results of the average observation of environmental care in the experimental class showed 87.76 and 80.21 in the control class. In the attitude of responsibility, the average achievement in the experimental class was 31.92% and in the control class was 26.80%. The results of the average observation of the attitude of responsibility in the experimental class showed 88.06 and the control class showed 80.83. The results of the posttest showed an average achievement of 56.08% for the experimental class and 43.41% for the control class. The Evaluation stage makes improvements based on the suggestions given. Thus, it can be concluded that contextual thematic electronic teaching materials were feasible to use, and can improve environmental care, responsibility and learning outcomes. Keywords: Electronic Teaching Materials, Contextual, Environmental Care, Responsibility, Learning Outcomes

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