
The article considers the problems of implementation of distance and blended learning formats, the difficulties of increasing the constant motivation of students, ways to solve these problems and difficulties. The motives that motivate adult learners to study in the following conditions are determined: self-affirming, material, social, internal, insurance and leisure motives. It is emphasized that motivation is a source and a factor that motivates educational activities and increases the level of professional competence of future teachers. Difficulties in implementing the distance format are grouped into 4 groups: personal difficulties (initial low internal motivation of the applicant, the habit of strict control by the teacher, weak self-organization of students, lack of emotional and psychological contact with colleagues, low responsibility, lack of sense of belonging to groups of students), organizational problems (unclear organization of the course, problems with access to certain educational resources), professional (insufficient professional level in both computer skills and in the submission of material without adaptation to distance format), technical (unstable Internet access, lack of necessary hardware or software). Attention is paid to such strategically important components as attention, confidence, satisfaction. The article analyzes the means of influencing each component in the context of blended learning. The use of the materials described in the article will help to support and increase the motivation of learning in a blended and distance form, will help minimize the above risks, difficulties and problems. Specific examples of tools and instruments are given: during the implementation of the educational process in the context of blended learning is clearly defined feedback, creating a "success situation", formulating the goals of the whole course and individual modules, reflection of distance learning experience by filling out specially designed questionnaires and performing tasks of a reflexive nature. The toolkit can be expanded with additional features of already known platforms and tools – session halls and screen management on the ZOOM platform for online conferences, google forms for testing applicants on the selected topic with subsequent collection and analysis, applications and services Learningapps, Mentimeter, online boards AWWapp, etc.

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