
This study introduces an automatic classification system that uses an electroacoustic analyzer to measure the frequency response of earphones. This system was designed using the Pro/E package and improved via testing. The system controller used in the study is the Microchip PIC18F4520 microcontroller. The controller is connected to an electroacoustic analyzer and various motor drives to control the process. The classification system is divided into two parts. The first part is the placement of the earpiece into a matrix tray. Two electric tables and a linear rail are adopted to build a two-axis X-Y table. Then, a device is introduced onto the X-Y table that moves the earpiece to the correct point and drops it into a10×10 matrix tray. The second part is the classification mechanism. According to the results of the frequency response, the earpieces can be organized into eight classes. When receiving the classification results from the frequency response measuring device, the controller will plot the shortest path for moving an earpiece. Thereafter, the specified class number will be recovered and the coordinates of the X-Y table reset.This study proposes to establish an automatic classification system for earphones. Each earpiece will be appropriately dropped into the correct position within the classified matrix tray when the frequency response’s classification is complete and the message forwarded to the controller.

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