
The mechanisms of teacher's choice of a model curriculum for integrated courses in the natural sciences are investigated. Heuristic algorithms for such a choice are proposed. Among them, a chaotic-search method based on the general indexing of the corresponding model program effectiveness forecast is offered, in which the teachers were asked to give a general assessment of the program and describe the rationale for the choice. The same teachers were offered to make a choice based on the so-called criterion-evaluation algorithm of choice. Namely, for the model programs, 12 parameters are proposed, which are subject to expert evaluation by teachers in an бordinal scale with ten gradations. We considered the index calculated as the sum of 12 estimates for the relevant parameters. This index allows further ranking of programs in order of preferences. Thus, an appropriate program бьselection algorithm is formed. The proposed criteria contain both subjective and objective components, so they should include information about the possibility of implementing the appropriate program depending on the level of the educational institution teacher and the material and organizational support professional competence. The article analyzed the dependence of the model educational programs choice on the example of integrated science courses and the «Geography». The statistical analysis of the conjugation tables showed inconsistency in the frequency distributions of course selections depending on the selection algorithm. This means that the criterionevaluation algorithm of choice gives different results in the relation to the chaotic-search algorithm. The question arises whether it is possible to trust the criterion-evaluation algorithm. It is noted that the answer to this question can be obtained only after analyzing the implementation of model programs. Along with the criterion-evaluation algorithm, a binary choice algorithm is proposed, where each of the criteria is evaluated on a 10-point scale, then a pairwise analysis is carried out for all criteria and, based on the statistical criterion of signs, a conclusion is made about the advantages of the program. Obviously, such an algorithm for hosting several programs could not work correctly, so it needs to be improved.

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