
The article analyzes the specifics of the amateur choral art development from the second half of the XX century to the present in the context of Ukraine musical culture. It is emphasized that choirs are a form of revealing the creative potential of participants, act as a means of uniting people of different professions and ages by common interests, open opportunities to join the folk song heritage and participate in concert activities.The purpose of this research is to highlight the specifics and main trends in the development of amateur choral art in the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries in the context of Ukrainian musical culture. This involves addressing the typology of groups represented in the domestic space, highlighting the key aspects of their concert and performing activities and identifying certain patterns of functioning in large and small cities and villages.The scientific novelty of the research lies in the determination of two socio-historical waves of influence on the development of Ukrainian folk choral art in the second half of the twentieth century, as well as the features of the folk choral groups functioning in large and small cities and in the countryside in Soviet times and in independent Ukraine. It also describes the factors that stimulate the preservation, transformation of organizational foundations and the growth of the creative level of amateur folk choral groups.The research methodology is based on the use of historical, comparative, source study, axiological and cultural studies approaches and the methods that follow from them. In particular, the historical-chronological method was used to establish the stages of development and continuity in the creative activity of folk choral groups, the axiological method to determine its socio-cultural significance, the comparative method for comparative characteristics of the functioning conditions of amateur choirs, the source study and cultural approaches help to consider the phenomenon of folk choral amateurishness is versatile, in a wide context. In addition, information obtained from official and unofficial surveys conducted in folk choirs of the Chernihiv region is used.Conclusions. The development of Ukrainian amateur choral art in the second half of the twentieth century was greatly influenced by two socio-historical waves. The first falls on the postwar period (1950-1960’s) when a huge number of vocal and choral groups were created at village clubs, city and factory houses of culture. The second (the 1990s) is related to Ukraine’s independence and the formation of completely new principles of the cultural and artistic life of civil liberties, the opportunity to participate in various festivals and competitions in Ukraine and abroad, and, as a result, rethinking the essence of amateur folk song, which is the basis of the repertoire of amateur choirs.


  • The article analyzes the specifics of the amateur choral art development from the second half

  • It is emphasized that choirs are a form of revealing the creative potential of participants

  • This involves addressing the typology of groups represented in the domestic space

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Народні хорові колективи в українському музичному просторі розглядаються в праці Н. Які функціонують сьогодні в Україні, етапи їх формування та аналізує притаманні їм специфічні риси. Емоційна складова хорового мистецтва висвітлюється в праці Б. В. Гошовський концентрує свою дослідницьку увагу на репертуарі народних хорових колективів

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