
Various methods are discussed of obtaining compensation for temperature variation in air-dielectric condensers of small capacitance value suitable for radio-frequency purposes. It is found that appreciable air-gap spacing is necessary for high stability and a high degree of compensation. It is concluded that a parallel-plate system affords the most satisfactory means of achieving high stability.A description is given of a variable air condenser of small dimensions and weight which has a capacitance range of 17–68 μμF and a high degree of temperature compensation; the overall dimensions are 2½ in. × 2 in. and the weight is 5½ oz. The temperature-coefficient of capacitance can be adjusted to have any value within the range zero to −120 parts in 1 million per degree Centigrade, and the compensation is effective at any rate of temperature variation not exceeding 5 deg. C per minute.When the system is used in association with a ceramicformer coil, its frequency coefficient can be made as low as 1 part in 1 million per deg. C, and the frequency stability over long periods with large temperature-change is of the order of 10 parts in 1 million.

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