
Jordan received a signi¢cant in£ux of Iraqi refugees as a result of war, ongoing con£ict, political instability, and limited economic opportunities in Iraq. The multiple needs of Iraqi refugees are primarily met through international donors and non-pro¢t organisations that implement comprehensive programmes, including the provision of mental health care and psychosocial support. With signi¢cant human and monetary resources being allocated towards these short term needs, strong coordination is essential among participating organisations in order to optimise outcomes.The international nongovernmental organisation, International Medical Corps, co leads eiorts with theWorldHealthOrganization in Jordan to conduct a 4Ws mapping (Who is Where, When, doing What) of current mental health and psychosocial support activities. This mapping was initially carried out in 2009, followed by updated mapping exercises in 2010/ 2011 and 2012, and will continue in 2013. The authors describe how the mapping was developed and has evolved over time, and report themain results and challenges faced.They conclude that the mappinghas not only been usefulfor information sharing and coordination, but that this exercise has also evolved into additional initiatives, such as developing common referral pathways among organisations, and including aspects of protection in the mapping.

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