
In given article on the basis of the allround ana lysis of a current state and a place of the food� processing industry which is of great importance in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in particular, in Zeravshan economic region, and made the main conclusions. Preliminary results carried out for years of the state independence of reforms and probed in close interrelation with agriculture at an estimation of a role of crop production. Paper, undoubtedly, will be interesting to researchers in the field of regional economy. It can be used by researchers in and economic geography branches. Keywords: food processing, food industry, Zeravshan region, Uzbekistan, economy. Transition to market defines the essence of cardinal changes in all branches of economy. As, the cherished purpose of independence Republic of Uzbekistan on I.A. Karimov's expression in creation of a strong democratic lawful state and a civil society with socially descending, resistant market and open external economy (Karimov, 1995). Therefore, from the support of economical development viewpoint the most comprehensible is considered the economic system based on market relations. The market supports the effective movement of national economy. Therefore «the purposes and the problems delivered before us for modernization of the country and creation for the population of the appropriate vital conditions and change, occurring in regional and the world markets, the strong requirement and a competition place an objective condition to deepen market reforms» (Karimov, 2005). Overall objective of economic reforms carried out in republic consists in production efficiency increasing, and maintenance of resistance of a social direction in transition to market is its specificity. Now in all areas of are conducted deep reforms, new forms of housekeeping intensively enter into economy. The process first of all concerns to branches of complexes of the foodprocessing indust ry, providing recesses sociopolitical and economic reforms of Uzbekistan (Karimov, 2005). The foodprocessing industry is the biggest and tra ditional branch of national of Zeravshan region and this branch has special meaning in development of national economy. The organization of Zeravshan region is connected with historical irrigating sources, agriculture, customs, and especially presence of Zeravshan River. The Zeravshan region consists from Bukhara, Navoiy and Samarkand areas and its area makes 168, 1 km 2 . Here is concentrated 37,4 % of territory and 19,9 % of the population of the Republic. 18,9 % of city and 24 % of country population also located in the given region. The place and meaning of the foodprocessing indust ry explains production of the foodstuff necessary for normal vital activity of humans. Today from the human's life, mankind and its civilization viewpoint all other branches should serve the foodprocessing industry and be minor. The foodprocessing industry being an industry constituent, on the one hand is pointed as one of the chief branches of and an ending link and an agro industrial complex, on the other hand. The solution of a problem population maintenance with continuous and qualitative foodstuff demands paying of special attention on development of food industry branches of Zeravshan region. Now our republic owns the modern foodprocessing industry which is r ich with traditions and is capable to take of a special position in national economy. The given industry basically is based for reprocessing of local raw materials. The foodprocessing industry includes a lot of inte rconnected branches. Many of them specialized for reprocessing of agricultural raw materials. Hence quality of products of the foodprocessing industry, labor

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